The MDBA currently has over 160 members in 17 states, all of which would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have about the breed.


The MDBA offers its

members the following benefits:


  1. Free for sale ads on this growing website.
  2. Yearly shows with sales. (Members receive discounted entry fees)
  3. Free cattle ties at the Springfield Fall Farm Fest.
  4. Routine membership meetings and educational events.
  5. Breeder listing via this website as well as distributed at all promotional events.
  6. RAPIDLY growing youth program.
  7. Low membership fees.
  8. We welcome members from all states



Missouri Dexter Breeder Association


Small Cattle, BIG Benefits

Missouri Dexter Breeders Association

Springfield, MO 65807

© Missouri Dexter Breeders Association

Springfield, MO 65807
