

MDBA Sale Entry -

Photo Taking Tips:


Your sale photo is the first impression to your buyers, take your time and make it the best you can.


  1. Background: Be mindful of your photo background.  Try to find a background that is clean and uncluttered, picturesque even. The background compliments the animal in the foreground.
  2. Sun:  The best time to take photos is when the sun is still high in the sky. This prevents sun glare and shadows. If you do take your photos either early or late in the day, make sure the sun is behind you and be mindful of where your own shadow is in the shot.
  3. Photo level: Squat down to the animals shoulder level to take the photo. A photo from their level is more eye appealing than one looking down on them.
  4. Cleanliness: A nice clean brushed animal free of mud, dirt and manure will make the best sale photo for advertising.
  5. Stance:  Side profile is best with the head up not down.  The feet should be squarely under the animal rather than too far under or too far back.   Ears up and forward in their alert position is ideal, this can be done either by making high pitch noises/clicks or if you have a helper, they can wave a plastic bag at a distance in front of the animal.  (Make sure they are far enough away not to startle the animal).  Be square to the side of your animal; a photo taken at an angle can make an animal look thin, pointy and unproportioned.
  6. Distance: make sure your photo is close enough to the animal that they take up the majority of the frames width.  A photo taken from a distance or from higher above leaves the impression that your animal may not be approachable.

Missouri Dexter Breeder Association


Small Cattle, BIG Benefits

Missouri Dexter Breeders Association

Springfield, MO 65807

© Missouri Dexter Breeders Association

Springfield, MO 65807
